Kalos [KĀYˈ-los]: The highest form of beauty and handsomeness with purity of heart and life; moral, noble
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Woman Touches Lips Experiencing Slight Numbness After Botox Lip Flip in Fort Worth

A Botox® lip flip may be a suitable procedure for patients who want a short-term, subtle upper lip enhancement without using fillers. It is performed by meticulously injecting Botox around the upper lip, in the orbicularis oris muscle. By relaxing its action, the upper lip will roll slightly upwards, creating a more defined and voluminous look. Botox can also help smooth the vertical lines around the lip.

Lip flip results

Full Botox lip flip results take about a week to show, though most patients experience some visible effects within a few days of treatment. Besides a more generally prominent upper lip contour, you may also notice the lip does not disappear as much when smiling; the relaxed muscle prevents the lip from rising and thinning. (For patients seeking to improve a “gummy” smile, your treatment plan can be adjusted to specifically address this issue.)

Lip flip results are temporary and last about 8 weeks. The effect wears off quicker than other areas where Botox is injected because the amount of Botox used is necessarily small and the lip muscles are particularly active.

Normal lip flip side effects

Very minor immediate swelling (like that of a mosquito bite) at any Botox injection site is normal, temporary, and can be alleviated with a cold compress. Your skin should return to normal within a few hours. Bruising is also possible, but uncommon, with proper technique.

It is normal to feel a sensation of heaviness as the Botox lip flip takes effect.

After a few days, patients will notice a slight feeling of heaviness in the lip, indicating that the Botox has taken effect. Pursing the lips, pronouncing certain words, drinking from a straw, and eating may temporarily become more challenging while you become used to the adjusted function of your lip muscles. Patients typically become acclimated to their modified lip function by about a week after treatment and have no further complications.

Abnormal lip flip side effects

Overtreating the area poses a risk for negative side effects. Typically, just a few units will suffice in creating safe and pleasing results. When too much Botox is injected, or when it is administered by an inexperienced injector, the muscle may relax too much, causing bothersome issues that may last a while:

  • Difficulty speaking, singing, or playing instruments
  • Inability to keep food/drink in the mouth
  • Difficulty using of straws and utensils
  • Asymmetrical smile
  • Numbness
  • Drooling

Botox is known to be effective in treating the upper lip, but to avoid these complications, you will want to be sure to book your appointment with an experienced, licensed professional. Botox may interfere with simple tasks like applying lip balm or puckering the lips when injectors are not properly educated in facial anatomy and lack the experience needed to make sound decisions on a customized patient basis.

You may have been overtreated with Botox if you have numbness or ongoing difficulty using your mouth.

Choosing the right Botox providers in Fort Worth

A Botox lip flip should only be administered by injectors with great expertise in treating the lip area. At Kalos Medical Spa at Kirby Plastic Surgery, all cosmetic injections are performed by highly trained specialists, including physician assistants and registered nurses who have been extensively trained in the nuances of injecting neurotoxins. Under the direction of Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Emily Kirby, our medical spa team adheres to the highest standard of care, ensuring our patients can trust Kalos to provide safe and optimal results.

We would be happy to provide a personal consultation to answer any questions and discuss the best treatment plan to align with your goals. Complete our online form or call our Fort Worth medical spa at 817-292-4200.


  • Julie
    February 26, 2024

    Hi I had a lip flip done 10 days ago and I’m still struggling to eat properly it’s better than it was but still tricky will this go

    • Kalos Medical Spa
      February 27, 2024

      Hi, Julie, thank you for your comment. Slight lip heaviness is normal and should continue to resolve over time, but if this persists you should consult with your injector.


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